Haven't cooked quails for a couple of years now. They are usually hard to get here but also expensive. I used to eat them regularly when I was a teenager living in Catalonia because my father and a friend had a small quail farm. Last time I cooked a very traditional Catalan recipe but tonight I tried this recipe with Ras el hanout with couscous that I found on The Family Meal from Ferran Adriร , from the restaurant elBulli. Simple to make and so delicious. Will make it again for sure. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ’•


4 quails
2 - 3 tsp Ras el hanout
4 sprigs fresh mint
2 tsp runny honey
3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 lemon
500ml chicken stock
2 Tbsp pine nuts
2 Tbsp sultanas or raisins
1 cup couscous
30g baby spinach

Use strong kitchen scissors or poultry shears to cut off the wing tips.

Use the scissors to cut right through the back of each quail. Remove the back bone and reserve. Open up the quails, then clean the insides, rinse with cold water and pat dry with kitchen paper.

Put the quails into a roasting tin, season with salt, pepper and two teaspoons of Ras el hanout. Chill for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, pour the chicken stock in a small pot. Add the back bones from the quails and bring to the boil. Simmer for about 20 minutes and reserve. (This part is optional, not part of the recipe, but it enhances the flavour, especially if you are using stock from the supermarket!)

Heat the grill to medium. Pick the mint leaves from the stems and shred finely. Scatter the mint over the quails. Drizzle with the honey and about 1 tablespoon of the oil. Grill for about 10 - 15 minutes, turning from time to time, until golden and juicy. (This will give you pink insides, cook a bit longer if you prefer them more well done.)

Keep them warm under kitchen foil.

Meanwhile, put the pine nuts into a small pan and toast for a couple of minutes. Make sure you don't let them get burnt.

Transfer the pine nuts to a large bowl, add the raisins and the couscous. Add the spinach and the rest of Ras el hanout and mix well. Pour in the boiling chicken stock, cover the bowl and let it absorb the stock for about 5 minutes. Add the remaining oil and stir with a fork. (As you can see, I didn't add any spinach because my husband bought a packet of mixed spinach and rocket leaves and when I realised it, it was too late to go back to the shop! ๐Ÿ˜ž)

Spoon the couscous onto a serving dish, then top with the quails. Finish with the finely grated zest and the juice of the lemon. Spoon some of the quail juices on top. Serve immediately.

Serves 2
